Launch Event: showcasing the future of innovation in AI, Data, and Robotics
This online event organized by Adra-e, AIonDemand, and the European Commission will highlight innovation in AI, Data, and Robotics through presentations of new projects funded by Horizon 2023 and 2022 calls. Following an introduction by the European Commission, representatives from Adra-e and the AIonDemand Platform will share insights into their efforts in these fields.
The event will feature 2-minute pitch presentations from 54 different projects, each showcasing its goals, vision, and anticipated impact. A key element of the event is the creation of a joint catalogue, available both online and offline, that will serve as a resource for community members and stakeholders. Notably, ENACT will be among the projects presented, showcasing its role in advancing cognitive computing within AI, data, and robotics initiatives.
The event is open to anyone in the AI, Data, and Robotics communities, including researchers, government officials, developers, and citizens, who will benefit from understanding the newest advancements in these transformative technologies.
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